adherent toの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The area is Muslim, Catholic and adherents to Serer religion.
  2. The majority of Sierra Leonean Muslims are adherent to Sunni Islam.
  3. Yet, they are highly adherent to the underlying copper metal.
  4. It's about being adherent to the process . . ..
  5. Adherents to Islam, this is your day to make Islam victorious.


  1. "adherent junction"の例文
  2. "adherent pericardium"の例文
  3. "adherent point"の例文
  4. "adherent scale"の例文
  5. "adherent scales"の例文
  6. "adherently"の例文
  7. "adherents"の例文
  8. "adherer"の例文
  9. "adherers"の例文
  10. "adheres"の例文
  11. "adherent scale"の例文
  12. "adherent scales"の例文
  13. "adherently"の例文
  14. "adherents"の例文

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