administrative centerの例文


  1. the settlement was located in the vicinity of the administrative center for both osaka prefecture and osaka city in the meiji and taisho periods .
  2. because maizuru city has the aspect of an administrative center with various public and government offices , most of which are related to maritime affairs , the train is frequently used for business travel .
  3. under these circumstances , kiyomori attempted to establish a new political system with its administrative center in kyoto , created the sokan-shoku (controller ) post to control kinai and kingoku (provinces surrounding the kinai provinces ), and appointed munemori to be a shokan .
  4. after world war ii , refugees repatriated from the continent left from this station to return to their homes throughout japan and today , because the city is the administrative center of northern kyoto , with many government and other public offices , the station is mainly used for business travel .


  1. "administrative bureau"の例文
  2. "administrative capacity"の例文
  3. "administrative capital"の例文
  4. "administrative career"の例文
  5. "administrative case litigation law"の例文
  6. "administrative chain of command"の例文
  7. "administrative chaos"の例文
  8. "administrative chart"の例文
  9. "administrative circles"の例文
  10. "administrative career"の例文
  11. "administrative case litigation law"の例文
  12. "administrative chain of command"の例文
  13. "administrative chaos"の例文

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