advisory architectの例文


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  1. After the death of Esenwein in 1926, Johnson, in retirement, became advisory architect to the restoration of Old Fort Niagara.
  2. Perlow was an Advisory Architect for IBM Global Technology Services's Server Optimization and Datacenter Relocation practice from September 2007 to December 2012.
  3. The Commission recruited Frank Heath from its advisory Architects Panel to deal with these problems but it was stripped of its town planning powers later in the same year.
  4. The jury of award consisted of two architects, Thomas Hastings and George B . Post; two laymen, Robert Fulton Cutting and Isaac Guggenheim, and Lansing C . Holden as advisory architects.
  5. He was a member of the Artists Society ( Kunstnersamfundet ) and employee of Architect Paul Baumann and Professor Hack Kampmann as well as advisory architect for Helsing鴕 municipality from 1929 and for St . Olai Church from 1935.


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  11. "advisory account"の例文
  12. "advisory and consultancy service"の例文
  13. "advisory area"の例文
  14. "advisory board"の例文

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