advocacy advertisingの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  1. Issue and advocacy advertising is looking better and better every day.
  2. Haworth said, " and did not meet our standards for advocacy advertising ."
  3. There is no way to quantify the amount of advocacy advertising on the air.
  4. The group illustrates an increasingly popular approach to advocacy advertising.
  5. Ms . Jamieson, the dean at the Annenberg School, said of advocacy advertising in general.


  1. "advocaats"の例文
  2. "advocacies"の例文
  3. "advocacy"の例文
  4. "advocacy action"の例文
  5. "advocacy ads"の例文
  6. "advocacy and incitement"の例文
  7. "advocacy and support groups"の例文
  8. "advocacy association"の例文
  9. "advocacy campaign team for mining"の例文
  10. "advocacy coalition"の例文
  11. "advocacy action"の例文
  12. "advocacy ads"の例文
  13. "advocacy and incitement"の例文
  14. "advocacy and support groups"の例文

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