advocate thatの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Brown has long advocated that Britain join in the single currency.
  2. Parsons'film doesn't advocate that approach at all.
  3. Los Angeles psychologist Robert Butterworth advocates that supervisors discourage the practice.
  4. We really strongly advocate that it should be easier for grandparents.
  5. No one is advocating that false or inaccurate claims be permitted.


  1. "advocate of"の例文
  2. "advocate of peace"の例文
  3. "advocate quality-oriented education"の例文
  4. "advocate science"の例文
  5. "advocate sherman hospital"の例文
  6. "advocate the"の例文
  7. "advocate the policy of"の例文
  8. "advocate war"の例文
  9. "advocate weekly newspapers"の例文
  10. "advocated"の例文
  11. "advocate science"の例文
  12. "advocate sherman hospital"の例文
  13. "advocate the"の例文
  14. "advocate the policy of"の例文

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