

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. I am practical, but not the practical of those infected with Affluenza.
  2. So terms like " affluenza " have become part of the cultural lexicon.
  3. Further, I would link Brock Turner as a Notable Incident from the Affluenza page.
  4. "Affluenza " is a more dangerous malady than influenza for millions of American children.
  5. If you have questions about the The Affluenza Project, call ( 414 ) 351-8442.


  1. "affluent stream"の例文
  2. "affluential"の例文
  3. "affluentials"の例文
  4. "affluently"の例文
  5. "affluents"の例文
  6. "afflux"の例文
  7. "affm"の例文
  8. "affma"の例文
  9. "affnity tags for protein purification"の例文
  10. "affo"の例文
  11. "affluently"の例文
  12. "affluents"の例文
  13. "afflux"の例文
  14. "affm"の例文

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