

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. A good point, considering that he planned to make Vietnamese coffee tapioca affogato.
  2. He pours the hot coffee over condensed milk ice cream to mimic an Italian affogato.
  3. Of the album's seven tracks, only " Affogato " was written by Niel.
  4. Many restaurants and cafes seem to struggle with deciding whether the affogato is a beverage or a dessert.
  5. According to the " Oxford English Dictionary ", " affogato " entered the English language by 1992.


  1. "affm"の例文
  2. "affma"の例文
  3. "affnity tags for protein purification"の例文
  4. "affo"の例文
  5. "affoard"の例文
  6. "affolter"の例文
  7. "affolterbach"の例文
  8. "affoltern"の例文
  9. "affoltern am albis"の例文
  10. "affoltern district"の例文
  11. "affo"の例文
  12. "affoard"の例文
  13. "affolter"の例文
  14. "affolterbach"の例文

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