

  1. It is located outside the village of Afidnes.
  2. Afidnes has a Motorway 1 ( Athens-Lamia-Thessaloniki ) passes east of the town.
  3. After the station was built, a new settlement arose near it named " Stathmos Afidnon " ( " Afidnes station " ).
  4. "' Callimachus "'or "'Callimachos "'( ) was the Athenian polemarch at the Battle of Marathon at 490 BC . According to Herodotus he was from the Attica deme of Afidnes.


  1. "aficionadoes"の例文
  2. "aficionados"の例文
  3. "afid"の例文
  4. "afida"の例文
  5. "afida turner"の例文
  6. "afie jurvanen"の例文
  7. "afiea nusrat barsha"の例文
  8. "afield"の例文
  9. "afiero"の例文
  10. "afif"の例文
  11. "afida"の例文
  12. "afida turner"の例文
  13. "afie jurvanen"の例文
  14. "afiea nusrat barsha"の例文

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