

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. He used to attend AFIP for his regular check-up.
  2. In addition, AFIP supplied him with a car and chauffeur.
  3. A new purpose-built building for AFIP was completed in 1958.
  4. The newly constructed building of AFIP had to be furnished.
  5. He found the AFIP premises uncomfortable during the hot seasons.


  1. "afinidades"の例文
  2. "afinitor"の例文
  3. "afinogen"の例文
  4. "afinogenov"の例文
  5. "afinsa"の例文
  6. "afip rawalpindi"の例文
  7. "afipia"の例文
  8. "afips"の例文
  9. "afips afipsky"の例文
  10. "afips fall joint computer conference"の例文
  11. "afinogenov"の例文
  12. "afinsa"の例文
  13. "afip rawalpindi"の例文
  14. "afipia"の例文

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