aimless wanderingの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  1. Every day'll include a nap, and some aimless wandering, perhaps
  2. They are prone to undervalue the mental growth that occurs during daydreaming and aimless wandering.
  3. There isn't as much aimless wandering, or MacGuffin type things like The Mark.
  4. If Seinfeld had owned a'Vette, this would have been his show about aimless wandering.
  5. For the Hurricanes, this NIT appearance comes as an end to an excruciating period of aimless wandering.


  1. "aimless"の例文
  2. "aimless bullet"の例文
  3. "aimless fire"の例文
  4. "aimless love"の例文
  5. "aimless walk"の例文
  6. "aimlessly"の例文
  7. "aimlessness"の例文
  8. "aimlessnesses"の例文
  9. "aimm"の例文
  10. "aimme"の例文
  11. "aimless love"の例文
  12. "aimless walk"の例文
  13. "aimlessly"の例文
  14. "aimlessness"の例文

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