air placingの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5
  1. Thanks to this song, " 1100 Bel Air Place " became Iglesias'world-wide best selling album.
  2. He says such tanks are normally located in open-air places, not in the airtight towers.
  3. The Thin Air placed'Nastasya's Tears'by Idiot Songs at number 3 in its'Top 100 Songs of 2013'list.
  4. In December, Philippine Air placed a $ 3 billion order for eight Boeing 747-400s and 24 Airbus Industrie jets.
  5. His intellectual airs place him in stark contrast with the party men and generals who have dominated Israeli politics.


  1. "air pistols"の例文
  2. "air piston"の例文
  3. "air pit"の例文
  4. "air placed"の例文
  5. "air placed concrete"の例文
  6. "air plane"の例文
  7. "air plankton"の例文
  8. "air plant"の例文
  9. "air plants"の例文
  10. "air plasma"の例文
  11. "air placed"の例文
  12. "air placed concrete"の例文
  13. "air plane"の例文
  14. "air plankton"の例文

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