airspeed controlの例文
- The NTSB further determined that the pilot's faulty mental model of the airplane's automation logic led to his inadvertent deactivation of automatic airspeed control.
- At 16 : 36 ( 8, 000 meters ) Prokofiev stopped recording flight data and concentrated on airspeed control; around 17 : 00 the aircraft softly landed on a field near the town of Kolomna, around 110 kilometers from the launch site.
- At 16 : 36 ( 8, 000 meters ) Prokofiev stopped recording flight data and concentrated on airspeed control; around 17 : 00 the aircraft softly landed on a field near the town of Kolomna, around 110 kilometers ( 68 mi ) from the launch site.
- While the airspeed indicator is used for precise airspeed control, it is generally fairly easy for an experienced pilot to distinguish the different " look " of the cruise, max-rate, or max-angle climb attitudes when he is familiar with a particular aircraft type.
- The flight crew's mismanagement of the airplane's vertical profile during the initial approach led to a period of increased workload that reduced the pilot monitoring's awareness of the pilot flying's actions around the time of the unintended deactivation of automatic airspeed control.