airspeed sensorの例文


  1. It also blamed a Birgenair ground crew for failing to cover airspeed sensors while the plane was being serviced.
  2. It also blamed a Birgenair ground crew for failing to cover airspeed sensors known as pitot tubes while the plane was being serviced.
  3. Army investigation reveals that during routine maintenance the night before the fatal flight, the airspeed sensor for the tailplane actuating system was inadvertently left unconnected.
  4. One of the earliest examples of a true guidance system is that used in the German V-1 during World War II . The navigation system consisted of a simple gyroscope, an airspeed sensor, and an altimeter.
  5. ;19 May : First prototype Sikorsky YUH-60A Black Hawk, " 73-21650 ", crashes during testing at the Sikorsky plant, routine maintenance the night before the fatal flight, the airspeed sensor for the tailplane actuating system was inadvertently left unconnected.


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