

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Bithionol has antibacterial and anthelmintic properties along with algaecide activity.
  2. A commercial algaecide that I tried last year did work, but the moss has come back.
  3. "' Monolinuron "'is a pesticide, more specifically a selective systemic herbicide and an algaecide.
  4. Further tests showed that the substance was an algaecide used in home aquariums, sold under the brand name Algae Destroyer.
  5. One part algaecide for every 50, 000 parts of pool water should be added, and topped up each month.


  1. "algae removal"の例文
  2. "algae scrubber"の例文
  3. "algaebase"の例文
  4. "algaecal"の例文
  5. "algaecidal"の例文
  6. "algaecides"の例文
  7. "algaenan"の例文
  8. "algaeparc"の例文
  9. "algaes"の例文
  10. "algaewheel"の例文
  11. "algaecal"の例文
  12. "algaecidal"の例文
  13. "algaecides"の例文
  14. "algaenan"の例文

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