

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The alidade was then aligned with the second object as well.
  2. The rim of the alidade has markings for 360 degrees.
  3. With skill, this sort of alidade can yield very precise measures.
  4. This could be the edge of an alidade or a similar device.
  5. Alidades have been made of wood, ivory, brass and other materials.


  1. "alida van den bos"の例文
  2. "alida withoos"の例文
  3. "alidad"の例文
  4. "alidade"の例文
  5. "alidade lake"の例文
  6. "alidads"の例文
  7. "alidar"の例文
  8. "alidate"の例文
  9. "alidaunia"の例文
  10. "alide"の例文
  11. "alidade"の例文
  12. "alidade lake"の例文
  13. "alidads"の例文
  14. "alidar"の例文

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