allergic inflammationの例文


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  1. Advanced cases can progress to a state of chronic allergic inflammation.
  2. Osteopontin has recently been associated with allergic inflammation and asthma.
  3. Among other factors, IL-13 induces these MMPs as part of a mechanism that protects against excessive allergic inflammation that predisposes to asphyxiation.
  4. The highly upregulated transcript of CPA3 is readily detected in luminal brushings and biopsies, making it a useful biomarker of allergic inflammation.
  5. Fruit extract from the plant had deep inhibitory effects on airway inflammation caused by allergic inflammation and asthma when combined with cyclosporine A.


  1. "allergic food"の例文
  2. "allergic fungal sinusitis"の例文
  3. "allergic gingivitis"の例文
  4. "allergic granulomatosis"の例文
  5. "allergic immunologic hair loss"の例文
  6. "allergic inhalant dermatitis"の例文
  7. "allergic interstitial nephritis"の例文
  8. "allergic interstitial pneumonitis"の例文
  9. "allergic pneumonitis"の例文
  10. "allergic protein"の例文
  11. "allergic granulomatosis"の例文
  12. "allergic immunologic hair loss"の例文
  13. "allergic inhalant dermatitis"の例文
  14. "allergic interstitial nephritis"の例文

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