alongside nightの例文


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  1. The first book to portray counter-economics as a strategy for achieving a libertarian society was Schulman's novel " Alongside Night " ( 1979 ).
  2. Hof appears as himself in an " underground " mall shop called " Pro-Life Sex " in the 2014 indie film, " Alongside Night ".
  3. On January 19, 2013, Kokesh appeared as a future version of himself at an anti-war-debt rally scene in the 2014 sci-fi thriller, Alongside Night.
  4. In 2013 Schulman completed production on a feature-film of " Alongside Night ", starring Kevin Sorbo, Jake Busey, Tim Russ, Garrett Wang, Mara Marini, and Gary Graham.
  5. In 2013 J . Neil Schulman completed production on a feature-film of " Alongside Night ", starring Kevin Sorbo, Jake Busey, Tim Russ, Garrett Wang, Mara Marini, and Gary Graham.


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