alveolar nervesの例文


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  1. Cyst may displace the mandibular alveolar nerve canal in an inferior direction.
  2. Avoiding inferior alveolar nerve injuries is possible.
  3. Position of the molars is an important risk factor with regards to inferior alveolar nerve injuries.
  4. The posterior, middle and anterior superior alveolar nerves are all closely associated with the lining of the sinus.
  5. However, there is no evidence to support the use of articaine over lidocaine for inferior alveolar nerve blocks.


  1. "alveolar microlithiasis"の例文
  2. "alveolar mucosa"の例文
  3. "alveolar nasal"の例文
  4. "alveolar nasal click"の例文
  5. "alveolar nerve"の例文
  6. "alveolar osteitis"の例文
  7. "alveolar oxygen partial pressure"の例文
  8. "alveolar oxygen tension"の例文
  9. "alveolar part"の例文
  10. "alveolar plosive"の例文
  11. "alveolar nasal click"の例文
  12. "alveolar nerve"の例文
  13. "alveolar osteitis"の例文
  14. "alveolar oxygen partial pressure"の例文

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