alveolar oxygen partial pressureの例文


  1. Because A a gradient is approximated as : "'( 150  " 5 / 4 ( pCO 2 ) )  Pa O2 "'at sea level and on room air ( 0.21x ( 760-47 ) = 149.7 mmHg for the alveolar oxygen partial pressure, after accounting for the water vapor ), the direct mathematical cause of a large value is that the blood has a low P O2, a low P CO2, or both.


  1. "alveolar nasal"の例文
  2. "alveolar nasal click"の例文
  3. "alveolar nerve"の例文
  4. "alveolar nerves"の例文
  5. "alveolar osteitis"の例文
  6. "alveolar oxygen tension"の例文
  7. "alveolar part"の例文
  8. "alveolar plosive"の例文
  9. "alveolar po"の例文
  10. "alveolar po2"の例文
  11. "alveolar nerves"の例文
  12. "alveolar osteitis"の例文
  13. "alveolar oxygen tension"の例文
  14. "alveolar part"の例文

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