

  1. The main improvements were the introduction of a program start bar called AmiDock, revised user interfaces for system settings and improved utility programs.
  2. Additional enhancements were a new icon set to complement higher screen resolutions, new window themes including drop shadows, AmiDock with true transparency, scalable icons and Workbench with auto-update feature.
  3. Additional enhancements were a new icon set to complement higher screen resolutions, new window themes including drop shadows, AmiDock with true transparency, scalable icons and AmigaOS with auto-update feature.


  1. "amido bond"の例文
  2. "amido fast orange"の例文
  3. "amido group"の例文
  4. "amido nitrogen"の例文
  5. "amidoamine"の例文
  6. "amidocyanogen"の例文
  7. "amidogen"の例文
  8. "amidohydrolase"の例文
  9. "amidohydrolases"の例文
  10. "amidol"の例文
  11. "amido nitrogen"の例文
  12. "amidoamine"の例文
  13. "amidocyanogen"の例文
  14. "amidogen"の例文

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