- In Berlin, he published the two works for which he would become most renowned : The " Introductio in analysin infinitorum ", a text on functions published in 1748, and the " Institutiones calculi differentialis ", published in 1755 on differential calculus.
- In 1748, Euler used in his widely read work " Introductio in analysin infinitorum " ( he wrote : " for the sake of brevity we will write this number as; thus is equal to half the circumference of a circle of radius 1 " ) and the practice was universally adopted thereafter in the Western world.
- Leonhard Euler's " Introductio in analysin infinitorum " ( 1748 ) was mostly responsible for establishing the analytic treatment of trigonometric functions in Europe, also defining them as infinite series and presenting " Euler's formula ", as well as the near-modern abbreviations " sin ., cos ., tang ., cot ., sec ., " and " cosec ."