analysis analysis
Evaluation of colposcopic technology in diagnosis of cervical cancer analysis analysis of 200 cases The research of economic information analysis analyses its development in three aspects ......

be analysis break-even analysis
Be analysis break - even analysis

注:表示牲畜的头数,用单位词head(单复数同形)。 fish在这里是表复数意义的可数名词,并且单复数同形。 羊分为几种,公羊叫ram,母羊叫ewe,小羊羔则叫lamb,总称为sheep,单复数同形,源于古英语sceap。


异形异形吸虫的成虫呈长梨形,大小为1~1.7×0.3~0.4mm,口吸盘较腹吸盘小,生殖吸盘位于腹吸盘的左下方。 此外,根据近几年寄生虫病例的报道,在医学蠕虫部分增编了广州管圆线虫和异形异形吸虫;在医学原虫部分增编了人芽囊原虫;在医学节肢动物部分增编了革螨。

形意十二形是以拳拟为十二种动物的生活形态和搏斗的特长而组成的形意传统套路。 形意十二形拳是以拳拟十二种动物的生活形态和搏斗的特长而组成的形意传统套路。 师爷李存义先生很欣赏朱国福,在天津公园武士会亲自传授朱国福八字功和形意十二形。 岩鹰拳是新宁县老拳师蒋兆鸿通过多年摸索,在形意十二形、少林五形、鹰拳、鹤拳的基础上精研而成。 大会以形意十二形拳、传统、自选拳、形意器械、对练等......


补足形意拳十二形,安身炮,八式等。 鸡形是形意拳十二形中的一种,该形模仿鸡的形态,内容丰富、结构严密。 “十面埋伏”乃形意拳中的绝学,学成之后可以,以一顶十非常厉害,刘先生的形意拳功力十分了得,据许多形意拳老前辈口述:一次刘先生在西安市北新街自己家中授徒时,徒弟中一个身材魁梧的年轻人不相信形意拳十二形中“虎扑”威力,被刘先生得知,刘先生就亲自给徒弟做示范,先让......

梁弯曲成半径为R的园形形状。 她瞅了一眼那形形色色的桌椅。 我们只能在形形色色的平庸人物中去挑选。 现在就可以图形形式分析复杂的数据关系。 形形色色犯罪的增长已达到令人震惊的程度。 他有形形色色的情绪和印象,要以诗歌抒发。 同时,这家杂志还向形形色色的选民发布新闻。 他在这些形形色色的东西中间走着,时常东闪西避。 不多一会儿,屋子里便挤满了形形色色的来开会的人。 在这种城市......



【功效】以形补形,补脑健脑。 猪腰则以形补形,入肾壮腰健肾。 以形补形,白色的银耳也有美白作用。 对考试有用的,以形补形的……猪心。 以形补形,有补肾之功。 猪腰即猪肾,以形补形,有补肾的作用。 对啦,以形补形嘛 猪肚即猪胃,可谓“以形补形”,功能健脾胃。 菜:香酥脑花,以形补形,以脏补脏,补血健脑。 “以形补形”是劳动人民千百年来总结出来的食疗方法。 所以说,“以形补形”......

a critical analysis
A critical analysis, with reaction from fans . ( Kloer, Atlanta Journal-Constitution) Now they have shifted to a critical analysis of the candidates'budget plans. It made a critical analys......

a detailed analysis
Once the power is back on, then we'll have a detailed analysis," Dinkins presents a detailed analysis of the Crown Heights riot in Brooklyn. The monkeys were then killed for a detailed ana......

a failure modes and effects analysis
It should be combined with other analytical tools such as failure mode and effects analysis and fault tree analysis for example. The redundancy of a DP ship should be judged by a failure m......

a guide to the business analysis body of knowledge
It created A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge ( BABOK ), a collection of knowledge within the BA profession, reflecting the current generally accepted practices. The CCBA ?......

a history of vector analysis
This associative algebra was the source of the science of vector analysis in three dimensions as recounted in " A History of Vector Analysis ". Michael J . Crowe devotes chapter six of his......

a meta - analysis
In a meta-analysis, 23 studies met inclusion criteria. He coauthored a meta-analysis " Consciousness and Cognition ". In a meta-analysis it was found that DBT was moderately effective. Thi......

a profile of 517 detainees through analysis of department of defense data
Denbeaux is one of the principal authors of " A Profile of 517 Detainees through Analysis of Department of Defense Data " ( 2006 ), published by the Center for Policy and Analysis of Seton......

a sound analysis
Sporting Green colleague Glenn Dickey has provided a sound analysis of the all-time greats. Byrd's assessment is based on a sound analysis of the state of opinion in the Senate and the cou......

a symbolic analysis of relay and switching circuits
Entitled " A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits ", Shannon's thesis essentially founded practical digital circuit design. Claude Shannon's 1938 paper " A Symbolic Analysis o......

abbreviated analysis
Fraser's abbreviated analysis : " He's getting frustrated.

abc analysis
The concept is similar to the ABC analysis, commonly used by workers to help prioritize. Additionally, using an " ABC analysis of behaviour " can be a useful tool for understanding behavio......

absorptiometric analysis
General rules for molecular absorptiometric analysis

absorption analysis
Flame atomic absorption analysis Atomic absorption analysis Aas standard test methods for rubber - determination of metal content by flame atomic absorption analysis Standard test methods ......