annealed castingの例文


  1. Milling , turning , planning of cast iron , annealed cast iron , steel , austenitic steel . medium cutting speed and chip cross - sections . for interrupted cutting and varying cutting depths . high toughness and impact strength


  1. "anneal"の例文
  2. "anneal glass"の例文
  3. "anneal metal"の例文
  4. "annealed"の例文
  5. "annealed aluminium"の例文
  6. "annealed condition"の例文
  7. "annealed conductor"の例文
  8. "annealed copper"の例文
  9. "annealed copper foil"の例文
  10. "annealed copper strand wire"の例文
  11. "annealed"の例文
  12. "annealed aluminium"の例文
  13. "annealed condition"の例文
  14. "annealed conductor"の例文

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