anterograde memory lossesの例文


  1. Anterograde memory loss is usually limited to the time of treatment itself or shortly afterwards.
  2. The subject of one chapter of this book is a man named Jimmie G . with anterograde memory loss; this name is similar to that of John G, a character in " Memento ", a movie in which the main protagonist has the same defect.


  1. "anterograde amnesias"の例文
  2. "anterograde axoplasmic transport"の例文
  3. "anterograde degeneration"の例文
  4. "anterograde memory"の例文
  5. "anterograde memory loss"の例文
  6. "anterograde tracing"の例文
  7. "anterograde transport"の例文
  8. "anterogradely"の例文
  9. "anterogrades"の例文
  10. "anteroinferior"の例文
  11. "anterograde memory"の例文
  12. "anterograde memory loss"の例文
  13. "anterograde tracing"の例文
  14. "anterograde transport"の例文

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