anterograde transportの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. This form of transport is known as anterograde transport.
  2. This form of transport is known as " anterograde transport " / orthrograde transport.
  3. Movement toward the cell body is called retrograde transport and movement toward the synapse is called anterograde transport.
  4. Anterograde transport in the opposite direction remains normal resulting in accumulation of the IFT complex B proteins in the ciliary tip.
  5. COPI coated vesicles are responsible for retrograde transport from the Golgi to the ER, while COPII coated vesicles are responsible for anterograde transport from the ER to the Golgi.


  1. "anterograde degeneration"の例文
  2. "anterograde memory"の例文
  3. "anterograde memory loss"の例文
  4. "anterograde memory losses"の例文
  5. "anterograde tracing"の例文
  6. "anterogradely"の例文
  7. "anterogrades"の例文
  8. "anteroinferior"の例文
  9. "anterointernal"の例文
  10. "anterolabial cingulum"の例文
  11. "anterograde memory losses"の例文
  12. "anterograde tracing"の例文
  13. "anterogradely"の例文
  14. "anterogrades"の例文

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