anterolateral borderの例文


  1. Studies in the marmoset monkey have shown that pitch-selective neurons are located in a cortical region near the anterolateral border of the primary auditory cortex.


  1. "anterogrades"の例文
  2. "anteroinferior"の例文
  3. "anterointernal"の例文
  4. "anterolabial cingulum"の例文
  5. "anterolateral"の例文
  6. "anterolateral column"の例文
  7. "anterolateral corticospinal tract"の例文
  8. "anterolateral ligament"の例文
  9. "anterolateral region"の例文
  10. "anterolateral region of the motor thalamus"の例文
  11. "anterolabial cingulum"の例文
  12. "anterolateral"の例文
  13. "anterolateral column"の例文
  14. "anterolateral corticospinal tract"の例文

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