

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. A start from nearby Applethwaite can also be used to provide a variation to the tourist route.
  2. Applethwaite Farm and Church, was built in the early 1960s by Edmond Lombardi, the founder of Appletiser.
  3. The disused and now wooded Applethwaite quarry stands on these western slope alongside the Garburn track, it is quite substantial and an interesting place to explore.
  4. It is the highest point in the upland area to the south of Garburn Pass, variously termed Kentmere Park and Applethwaite Common on Ordnance Survey maps.
  5. The parish includes the settlements of Applethwaite, Millbeck and Ormathwaite, all of which lie along the line where the southern slopes of Skiddaw meet the valley.


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  12. "applethorpe farm"の例文
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