apricot sauceの例文


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  1. With it was an apricot sauce, which I made with dried Turkish apricots.
  2. Place lamb shanks in a glass or other nonreactive dish, and add apricot sauce.
  3. Meanwhile, make Apricot Sauce ( can be prepared the day before serving and refrigerated ).
  4. Quail with apricot sauce is one prime menu dish.
  5. -Try a gingersnap crust with layers of vanilla and pineapple ice cream drizzled with Pineapple-Apricot sauce.


  1. "apricot pit"の例文
  2. "apricot plum"の例文
  3. "apricot portable"の例文
  4. "apricot root"の例文
  5. "apricot sakuraba"の例文
  6. "apricot sauces"の例文
  7. "apricot seed"の例文
  8. "apricot stone"の例文
  9. "apricot tree"の例文
  10. "apricot trees"の例文
  11. "apricot root"の例文
  12. "apricot sakuraba"の例文
  13. "apricot sauces"の例文
  14. "apricot seed"の例文

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