

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. This became the world's first selective coronary arteriogram.
  2. The day after the arteriogram, Sam felt a lump in the left side of his groin.
  3. Leonard's arteriogram, which traced blood flow in the brain, showed a normal pattern.
  4. The aneurysm was found after Wallace was given an arteriogram by a radiologist, Dr . Tom Sos.
  5. He began the arteriogram, shooting X-ray dye into the catheter so the cameras could detect the blockage.


  1. "arterio"の例文
  2. "arteriogenesis"の例文
  3. "arteriogenic"の例文
  4. "arteriogram"の例文
  5. "arteriogram needle"の例文
  6. "arteriograph"の例文
  7. "arteriographic"の例文
  8. "arteriographies"の例文
  9. "arteriography"の例文
  10. "arteriol et venul maculares"の例文
  11. "arteriogram"の例文
  12. "arteriogram needle"の例文
  13. "arteriograph"の例文
  14. "arteriographic"の例文

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