arturo rawsonの例文
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- Arturo Rawson took power as " de facto " president.
- In 1943 a coup d'閠at was led by General Arturo Rawson against conservative President Ram髇 Castillo, who had been fraudulently elected to office.
- Two weeks later, on June 4, 1943, Ram韗ez assisted Arturo Rawson in overthrowing Castillo's government, and was again made Minister of War.
- The military coup proceeds as planned ( however accelerated due to el Coronel Frade's death ) and Arturo Rawson becomes the new President of Argentina, with no small help from Cletus Frade.
- "' Arturo Rawson "'( June 4, 1885 October 8, 1952 ) was an Argentine politician, military officer, and the provisional President of the Republic from June 4, 1943 to June 7, 1943.