arturo rawsonの例文


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  1. Arturo Rawson took power as " de facto " president.
  2. In 1943 a coup d'閠at was led by General Arturo Rawson against conservative President Ram髇 Castillo, who had been fraudulently elected to office.
  3. Two weeks later, on June 4, 1943, Ram韗ez assisted Arturo Rawson in overthrowing Castillo's government, and was again made Minister of War.
  4. The military coup proceeds as planned ( however accelerated due to el Coronel Frade's death ) and Arturo Rawson becomes the new President of Argentina, with no small help from Cletus Frade.
  5. "' Arturo Rawson "'( June 4, 1885  October 8, 1952 ) was an Argentine politician, military officer, and the provisional President of the Republic from June 4, 1943 to June 7, 1943.


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