aspects ofの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. They said a few aspects of it needed to be clarified.
  2. The result can be seen in almost every aspect of life.
  3. So the creative aspects of offenses allow you to win games.
  4. I find it one of the most intriguing aspects of MOND,
  5. Later hearings may investigate other aspects of the tangled Whitewater case.


  1. "aspectj"の例文
  2. "aspecto"の例文
  3. "aspectos"の例文
  4. "aspects"の例文
  5. "aspects de la france"の例文
  6. "aspects of andrew lloyd webber"の例文
  7. "aspects of autism"の例文
  8. "aspects of christian meditation"の例文
  9. "aspects of life"の例文
  10. "aspects of love"の例文
  11. "aspects"の例文
  12. "aspects de la france"の例文
  13. "aspects of andrew lloyd webber"の例文
  14. "aspects of autism"の例文

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