at length useの例文


  1. Unlike many of our fathers, today's gentleman father is not afraid to change a poopy diaper and talk to you about it at length using all his descriptive powers.


  1. "at least one"の例文
  2. "at least rooms"の例文
  3. "at least ten yards away"の例文
  4. "at leisure"の例文
  5. "at length"の例文
  6. "at lest"の例文
  7. "at level"の例文
  8. "at liberty"の例文
  9. "at liberty to"の例文
  10. "at liberty to do"の例文
  11. "at leisure"の例文
  12. "at length"の例文
  13. "at lest"の例文
  14. "at level"の例文

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