

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Michaelangelo Attard told the News of the World, a British tabloid.
  2. It is unclear what the word'Attard'means.
  3. Attard celebrates the feast of the Assumption of Mary on 15 August.
  4. Attard was Russian Correspondent for ABC Radio and TV from 1990 94.
  5. Attard represented Malta at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.


  1. "attara"の例文
  2. "attara kacheri"の例文
  3. "attaran"の例文
  4. "attaran bridge"の例文
  5. "attarat power plant"の例文
  6. "attardi"の例文
  7. "attardo"の例文
  8. "attari"の例文
  9. "attari railway station"の例文
  10. "attarian"の例文
  11. "attaran bridge"の例文
  12. "attarat power plant"の例文
  13. "attardi"の例文
  14. "attardo"の例文

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