

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Since June 26, 2008, the De Beers Attawapiskat.
  2. The source of the river is Attawapiskat Lake at an elevation of.
  3. The target audience is to residence of the Attawapiskat.
  4. The seasonal James Bay winter road connects the communities of Attawapiskat, Moose Factory.
  5. It is estimated that $ 84 million is needed for housing alone in Attawapiskat.


  1. "attaullah shah bukhari"の例文
  2. "attavar"の例文
  3. "attavara"の例文
  4. "attavyros"の例文
  5. "attawandaron"の例文
  6. "attawapiskat first nation"の例文
  7. "attawapiskat kimberlite field"の例文
  8. "attawapiskat lake"の例文
  9. "attawapiskat river"の例文
  10. "attaway"の例文
  11. "attavyros"の例文
  12. "attawandaron"の例文
  13. "attawapiskat first nation"の例文
  14. "attawapiskat kimberlite field"の例文

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