authoritative personの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. He is the authoritative person on this subject.
  2. Part of being a powerful, authoritative person is a strategic use of silence,
  3. Where does such an authoritative person come from?
  4. They respond best to consistent, reward based training from a relaxed, authoritative person.
  5. Any authoritative person over me, any institution, I don't want to deal with.


  1. "authoritative name server"の例文
  2. "authoritative parent"の例文
  3. "authoritative parenting"の例文
  4. "authoritative parenting style"の例文
  5. "authoritative parents"の例文
  6. "authoritative precedent"の例文
  7. "authoritative response"の例文
  8. "authoritative source"の例文
  9. "authoritative sources"の例文
  10. "authoritative statements"の例文
  11. "authoritative parenting style"の例文
  12. "authoritative parents"の例文
  13. "authoritative precedent"の例文
  14. "authoritative response"の例文

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