

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Autocrator, " self-ruler " in Greek, was an epithet of the Byzantine emperors.
  2. He was the elder of two illegitimate sons of Marianus III, but he had the supremacy and the title " autocrator basileus ".
  3. This was readily granted by Dion, who was reinstated in his position of general autocrator, on the proposal of Heracleides himself, and in return bestowed upon the latter once more the sole command by sea.
  4. Here he realized that the glyph that he had deciphered as " autocrator " and which convinced him that the inscription was of recent date was in fact not found on the monument itself  it had seemingly been invented by Jomard's copyist.
  5. And it finally settled the question of the dating of the Dendera zodiac, by reading the cartouche that had been erroneously read as " Arsino?" by Young, in its correct reading " " autocrator " " ( Emperor in Greek ).


  1. "autocratic rule"の例文
  2. "autocratic ruler"の例文
  3. "autocratic style"の例文
  4. "autocratic styles"の例文
  5. "autocratically"の例文
  6. "autocrats"の例文
  7. "autocreation"の例文
  8. "autocrine"の例文
  9. "autocrine activation"の例文
  10. "autocrine agent"の例文
  11. "autocratic styles"の例文
  12. "autocratically"の例文
  13. "autocrats"の例文
  14. "autocreation"の例文

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