

  1. Cases of autophagia, or self-cannibalism, have also been reported.
  2. They reported seeing bears moaning, banging their heads against their cages, and chewing their own paws ( autophagia ).
  3. Autophagia occurs when one is compelled to inflict pain upon oneself by biting and / or devouring portions of one's body.


  1. "autoped"の例文
  2. "autopedophilia"の例文
  3. "autopen"の例文
  4. "autopens"の例文
  5. "autopeotomy"の例文
  6. "autophagic"の例文
  7. "autophagic tumor stroma model of cancer"の例文
  8. "autophagic vacuole"の例文
  9. "autophagic vacuoles"の例文
  10. "autophagocytosis"の例文
  11. "autopens"の例文
  12. "autopeotomy"の例文
  13. "autophagic"の例文
  14. "autophagic tumor stroma model of cancer"の例文

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