baby announcementの例文


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  1. She notices a lot of wedding invitations and baby announcements.
  2. A baby announcement will typically include at least some or all of the following information:
  3. There were coupons for parenting magazines, baby announcements, diapers and children's book clubs.
  4. India began to mega-dose Phillip with the potion in hopes of making their previous baby announcement come true.
  5. The wedding and baby announcements coincide with Jackson's announcement that he will bring his HIStory world tour to Hawaii on Jan . 3.


  1. "baby anikha"の例文
  2. "baby animal"の例文
  3. "baby animals"の例文
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  5. "baby anne"の例文
  6. "baby antelope"の例文
  7. "baby appeal"の例文
  8. "baby arizmendi"の例文
  9. "baby arm"の例文
  10. "baby arms"の例文
  11. "baby anju"の例文
  12. "baby anne"の例文
  13. "baby antelope"の例文
  14. "baby appeal"の例文

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