

  1. To further the study of the take - off technical theory in the backstyle high - jump , we make a research into the cuved tosbury take - off cour se of backstyle high - jump . it was pointed out that the backtyle high - jump cucve d run take - off created efficient condition for the earlier change and accumla tion of gravity center and vertical speed of fosbury flop the moving direction t he bady


  1. "backstrokes"の例文
  2. "backstroking"の例文
  3. "backstrom"の例文
  4. "backstuga"の例文
  5. "backstugusittare"の例文
  6. "backsurge"の例文
  7. "backsurge disc valve"の例文
  8. "backsurge tool"の例文
  9. "backsurge tool string"の例文
  10. "backsurge tool stringer"の例文
  11. "backstuga"の例文
  12. "backstugusittare"の例文
  13. "backsurge"の例文
  14. "backsurge disc valve"の例文

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