backup energyの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. The New England Power Pool is already making plans for backup energy sources to avoid power blackouts.
  2. While descending towards wonderland in the dark Cassie suggests that wonderland must have a backup energy supply.
  3. The researchers suggest the technology could be used as a backup energy supply for battery-powered portable devices.
  4. These types of batteries are generally vented and are used in stationary applications like; solar, wind and backup energy storage.
  5. Free-standing generators, powered by gasoline or propane, provide backup energy in wintertime, when power from sunlight is limited or nonexistent.


  1. "backup direct"の例文
  2. "backup disk"の例文
  3. "backup dump"の例文
  4. "backup electrical power"の例文
  5. "backup electricity"の例文
  6. "backup equipment"の例文
  7. "backup exec"の例文
  8. "backup express"の例文
  9. "backup facility"の例文
  10. "backup file"の例文
  11. "backup electrical power"の例文
  12. "backup electricity"の例文
  13. "backup equipment"の例文
  14. "backup exec"の例文

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