backup equipmentの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  1. Most of the players said they had backup equipment as well.
  2. Romania reiterated it would send medics and backup equipment in the region in case of a NATO air strike.
  3. It was not clear how long channels might be off the air or whether sufficient backup equipment was available.
  4. Most of the gear was donated by sponsors or is backup equipment at the University of Utah hospital, Elstad said.


  1. "backup disk"の例文
  2. "backup dump"の例文
  3. "backup electrical power"の例文
  4. "backup electricity"の例文
  5. "backup energy"の例文
  6. "backup exec"の例文
  7. "backup express"の例文
  8. "backup facility"の例文
  9. "backup file"の例文
  10. "backup files"の例文
  11. "backup electricity"の例文
  12. "backup energy"の例文
  13. "backup exec"の例文
  14. "backup express"の例文

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