

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  1. But discrimination against the balmiki is right and it must go on.
  2. As Balmiki, they have obtained scheduled caste status.
  3. Gopalji Balmiki took a day off from his job to attend the river ceremony.
  4. All Balmiki Ashram's have common features.
  5. According to some traditions, the community are a branch of the Balmiki community.


  1. "balmhorn"の例文
  2. "balmi river"の例文
  3. "balmier"の例文
  4. "balmiest"の例文
  5. "balmik"の例文
  6. "balminess"の例文
  7. "balminesses"の例文
  8. "balming"の例文
  9. "balminil"の例文
  10. "balminil dm"の例文
  11. "balmiest"の例文
  12. "balmik"の例文
  13. "balminess"の例文
  14. "balminesses"の例文

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