barren measureの例文


  1. The underlying erosion surface is considered the top of the Conemaugh Group, formerly known as the Lower barren measures because this formation contains few coal seams.


  1. "barren land"の例文
  2. "barren lands"の例文
  3. "barren lands first nation"の例文
  4. "barren layer"の例文
  5. "barren lives"の例文
  6. "barren measures"の例文
  7. "barren mine"の例文
  8. "barren moor"の例文
  9. "barren mountain"の例文
  10. "barren of"の例文
  11. "barren layer"の例文
  12. "barren lives"の例文
  13. "barren measures"の例文
  14. "barren mine"の例文

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