basic raw materialの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Tallow derivatives are also basic raw materials in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.
  2. In the knowledge revolution, skilled people are our basic raw material.
  3. Most films are made from nearly the same basic raw materials.
  4. The aircraft is built from plans using basic raw materials.
  5. The basic raw materials used in the practicing of the craft are brass and copper sheets.


  1. "basic rate of tax"の例文
  2. "basic rate tax"の例文
  3. "basic rating life"の例文
  4. "basic rating lifetime"の例文
  5. "basic ration"の例文
  6. "basic reaction"の例文
  7. "basic read"の例文
  8. "basic reader"の例文
  9. "basic reagent"の例文
  10. "basic real constant"の例文
  11. "basic rating lifetime"の例文
  12. "basic ration"の例文
  13. "basic reaction"の例文
  14. "basic read"の例文

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