- While there were many great French masters at the time, the most influential in proposing these hands was Louis Barbedor, who published " Les Ecritures Financi鑢e Et Italienne Bastarde Dans Leur Naturel " circa 1650.
- In 1933 he became a member of the NSDAP . He was involved in compulsory sterilization of children, who resulted from relationships between German women and dark-skinned German newspaper " " Neues Volk " ", with the title " " Bastarde am Rhein " " ( Rhineland Bastards ).
- The French " 閜閑 b鈚arde " and the English " bastard sword " originate in the 15th or 16th century, originally having the general sense of " irregular sword or sword of uncertain origin " . " Qui n'閠ait ni Fran鏰ise, ni Espagnole, ni proprement Lansquenette, mais plus longue que ces fortes 閜閑s " . ( " [ a sword ] which was neither French, nor Spanish, nor properly " Landsknecht " [ German ], but longer than any of these sturdy swords . " ) " Esp閑 bastarde " could also historically refer to a single-handed sword with a fairly long blade compared to other short swords.