bathing costumeの例文


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  1. These include sites devoted to bathing costumes, hats, eco-friendly make-up ranges and more.
  2. By day, flappers in long bathing costumes showered in the falls'spray.
  3. Life-size dioramas depict Christie in turn-of-the-century bathing costume and World War I nurse's uniform.
  4. These sheds prevented men from looking at women while they changed into their bathing costume.
  5. It was also the first use of bathing costume.


  1. "bathing cap"の例文
  2. "bathing caps"の例文
  3. "bathing cart"の例文
  4. "bathing clothes"の例文
  5. "bathing clothing"の例文
  6. "bathing costumes"の例文
  7. "bathing drawer"の例文
  8. "bathing drawers"の例文
  9. "bathing dress"の例文
  10. "bathing facility"の例文
  11. "bathing clothes"の例文
  12. "bathing clothing"の例文
  13. "bathing costumes"の例文
  14. "bathing drawer"の例文

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