be placedの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The projectors would have had to be placed on federal property.
  2. Wagers can be placed at Lone Star Park at Grand Prairie.
  3. CPS officials recommended that the children be placed in foster care.
  4. He asked to be placed in protective custody after his testimony.
  5. Just where the machines will be placed is not yet decided.


  1. "be pissed off"の例文
  2. "be pivotal in"の例文
  3. "be pivoted at"の例文
  4. "be pivoted between"の例文
  5. "be pivoted in"の例文
  6. "be placed in confinement"の例文
  7. "be placed on the docket"の例文
  8. "be placed on the reserve"の例文
  9. "be placed under arrest"の例文
  10. "be plagued with"の例文
  11. "be pivoted between"の例文
  12. "be pivoted in"の例文
  13. "be placed in confinement"の例文
  14. "be placed on the docket"の例文

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