beneficial use of watersの例文


  1. For decades, Western water law has been based on the bedrock doctrine that the only beneficial use of water is consumptive use, and any water left in a stream is wasted.
  2. The Flood Control Act of 30 June 1948 approved the comprehensive plan for the project, and also directed the Bureau of Reclamation to look into methods of reducing non-beneficial use of water by phreatic vegetation in the Rio Grande flood plains and its main tributaries above Caballo Reservoir.


  1. "beneficial tariff"の例文
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  4. "beneficial to health"の例文
  5. "beneficial use"の例文
  6. "beneficial weed"の例文
  7. "beneficial weeds"の例文
  8. "beneficially"の例文
  9. "beneficially affect"の例文
  10. "beneficially entitled"の例文
  11. "beneficial to health"の例文
  12. "beneficial use"の例文
  13. "beneficial weed"の例文
  14. "beneficial weeds"の例文

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