

  1. SNAP-tag was obtained using a directed evolution strategy, leading to a hAGT variant that accepts " O " 6-benzylguanine derivatives instead of repairing alkylated guanine derivatives in damaged DNA.
  2. An orthogonal tag, called CLIP-tag, was further engineered from SNAP-tag to accept " O " 2-benzylcytosine derivatives as substrates, instead of " O " 6-benzylguanine.
  3. Because tumor cells that express the " O " 6-benzylguanine ( " O " 6-BG ), an AGT inhibitor, could overcome this resistance and improve the drug's therapeutic effectiveness.
  4. ""'O " 6-Benzylguanine "'( "'O6-BG "') is a synthetic inhibitor of the enzyme O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase which leads to interruption of DNA repair and increases the potency of other chemotherapeutic agents that damage DNA, such as temozolomide.


  1. "benzylation"の例文
  2. "benzylbenzoate"の例文
  3. "benzylbutylphthalate"の例文
  4. "benzylchloride"の例文
  5. "benzylfentanyl"の例文
  6. "benzylic"の例文
  7. "benzylic hydrogens"の例文
  8. "benzylidene"の例文
  9. "benzylidene acetone"の例文
  10. "benzylideneacetone"の例文
  11. "benzylchloride"の例文
  12. "benzylfentanyl"の例文
  13. "benzylic"の例文
  14. "benzylic hydrogens"の例文

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