

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. In the lab an apparatus called a Berlese-Tullgren funnel extracts the Collembola.
  2. Berlese, 1908 ( Acari ), was clearly not named after Louis Euzet.
  3. After Targioni's death from hemiplegia on 27 June 1899 the next Director was Antonio Berlese.
  4. Direct collection from leaf litter with Berlese funnels can also result in specimens that can not be collected by other means.
  5. The species is known only from a single Berlese sample of sifted leaf litter collected in cloud forest at 990 m elevation in southern Mexico.


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  6. "berlese funnel"の例文
  7. "berlese sample"の例文
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  11. "berlepsch"の例文
  12. "berler"の例文
  13. "berlese funnel"の例文
  14. "berlese sample"の例文

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